An initial conditions creator for isolated galaxy formation simulations.

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pyICs documentation

Here you can find the documentation of my pyICs code. If you have further questions regarding the code, you can either submit an issue or drop me an email.

What is pyICs?

pyICs is a python package to create initial condition (IC) files for N-body simulations of the formation of isolated galaxies. It uses the pynbody analysis package to create the actual IC files. pyICs generates dark matter halos (DM) in dynamical equilibrium which host a rotating gas sphere. The DM particle velocities are drawn from the equilibrium distribution function (Kazantzidis et al. 2004 ApJ, 601, 37). The gas sphere has a Bullock et al. (2001 ApJ, 555, 240) angular momentum profile. The DM and the gas share the same 3D radial density profile. The code natively supports the αβγ-models: ρ ~ (r/a)[1+(r/a)α](γ-β)/α. If γ <= 3, the profiles are smoothly truncated outside the virial radius.

The radial profile can be arbitrary as long as python functions for the profile itself and its first and second derivative with radius are given.


If you have pyhton configured with distutils the following should get you started:

$ git clone
$ cd pyICs
$ python install
$ cd ..
$ python
>>> import pyICs

Using the code

The code will create an initial conditions file that can be evolved with a Hydrodynamics solver. The code has only been tested for the tipsy file format which is supported by Gasoline and ChaNGa. It should, however, also support Grafic IC Snaps, Gadget, Ramses and N-Chilada snapshots. Compatibility with these formats has not been tested. I would really appreciate any effort to test these other formats. If you do so please inform me about your experience and possible hacks to make it work.

Tipsy units

In the default case of tipsy file outputs the length and mass units are:

dKpcUnit = 1.
dMsolUnit = 2.325e5

Thus, the two line above need to be included in the param file.

The simple way

Use the alpha-beta-gamma models. In this case the only thing you need to do, is to specify the the values for α, β and γ:

>>> from pyICs import create_ics
>>> pars = {'alpha': 1., 'beta': 3., 'gamma': 1., 'c': 10.}
>>> myhalo = create_ics(pars=pars)

This piece of code will create a 1012 Msol halo with an NFW density profile and a spin parameter of 0.04. The initial conditions file will be saved in the working directory as halo.out. The default parameters can be changed (see Parameters).

The versatile way

You can also define the density profile yourself. In this case you have to specify the corresponding first and second derivative as these are needed to compute the distribution function of the stable halo. Note that the profiles do not need to be properly normalized as this will be done by the code according to a specified virial mass of the halo (The default value is 1012 Msol with Hubble constant h=0.7 and mean overdensity <rho>/rho_crit(h)=200.). All three of these functions must accept two arguments: radius (array like), pars (python dictionary with possible parameters, can be empty {})

import numpy as np
>>> from pyICs.convenience import create_ics
>>> def rho(r, pars):
    sig = pars['sig']
    return np.exp(-0.5*r**2/sig**2)
>>> def drhodr(r, pars):
    sig = pars['sig']
    return -r/sig**2*rho(r, pars)
>>> def d2rhodr2(r, pars):
    sig = pars['sig']
    return -1./sig**2*rho(r, pars)-r/sig**2*drhodr(r, pars)
>>> pars = {'sig': 10}
>>> sim = create_ics(profile=rho, drhodr=drhodr, d2rhodr2=d2rhodr2, pars=pars, length_unit='1 kpc')

Again the resulting initial conditions file will be saved as halo.out.


Here we present a list of the most important parameters to be passed to the code in key=value style:

Key Default Description
m_vir '1e12 Msol' The virial mass of the halo. Can be string with units or a float (then units are Msol)
profile αβγ A python function for the density profile as a function of radius, can have arbitrary normalization and must accept two arguments: radius and a python dictionary with function parameters (key 'c' is reserved for halo concentration of αβγ-models)
drhodr dαβγ/dr The derivative of profile, must have same normalization as profile and use the same parameter dictionary
d2rhodr2 d2αβγ/dr2 The 2nd derivative of profile, must have same normalization as profile and use the same parameter dictionary
pars NFW with exponential cutoff Python dictionary that is passed as 2nd argument to profile, drhodr and d2rhodr2
n_particles 1e5 Number of gas and DM particles respectively
n_gas_particles n_particles Number of gas particles (overwrites value set by n_particles, implementation not yet thoroughly tested)
f_bary 0.1 Gas mass fraction
mu 1.3 Shape parameter for Bullock+2001 angular momentum profile
spin_parameter 0.04 Spin parameter initial halo
f_name 'halo.out' Filename of initial conditions file

Acknowledging pyICs

If you use pyICs for your work scientific work please mention it along with my name in the acknowledgments: This work made use of the open-source python initial condition creation package {\sc pyICs} written by Jakob Herpich (\url{

Additionally you can cite my paper ( which is part of a series of papers in which pyICs was first used.